57344 OrangeCD 57345 Disc options 57346 Cannot open CD audio device.\nOrangeCD will exit 57347 This change will take effect after you restart OrangeCD. 57348 Specified track was not found in the current play list 57349 OrangeCD is already playing using another CD-ROM drive 57350 mailto:stcherbachenko.as@peus.com 57351 OrangeCD was unable to start default mail program 57352 http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Peaks/6189 57353 OrangeCD was unable to start your Web browser application 57354 You have been using OrangeCD more than 20 days. Please remember that you must register your copy or stop using it when evaluation period ends.\nTo register, please refer README file. 57355 The evaluation period has expired !\nTo continue using OrangeCD, you must register your copy of program NOW. Click Register. 57356 Unable to view readme file "%s". 57357 readme.txt 57358 http://www.lyrics.ch/query/normal?artist=%s&album=%s&song=%s&type=normal 57359 http://www.lyrics.ch/ 57360 http://www.cddb.com/ 57361 http://www.lyrics.ch/search.html 57362 http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Peaks/6189/_orangecd.txt